April 03, 2020

COVID-19: Update 22

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) makes continual updates to its guidelines and recommendations to prevent the spread of the coronavirus based on scientific data collected from all worldwide COVID-19 cases.

Please note the following updates:

Notifying close contacts

  • Close contacts are defined as anyone that an individual with a confirmed case or presumed confirmed case of COVID-19 has been within a range of six feet or less for 10 minutes or more.
  • Individuals with confirmed cases have now been identified as being infectious 48 hours prior to showing symptoms of the virus. Therefore, any person with a confirmed or presumed confirmed case must notify all individuals they have been in close contact with up to 48 hours prior to showing signs and symptoms of illness.
  • These close contacts are to remain in self-quarantine and in turn notify all individuals they have been in close contact with up to 48 hours prior to showing signs and symptoms of illness.
  • These newly notified close contacts are further required to communicate with individuals they have been in close contact with, and so on.

Face coverings

  • The California Department of Public Health has issued new Face Coverings Guidance for the general public, regarding the use of cloth face coverings when outside the home.
  • Please note that the use of face coverings does not substitute existing guidance for social distancing and handwashing.

What these updates mean for ArtCenter

  • We will prescreen anyone requesting access to campus.
  • Individuals must be symptom free for 72 hours prior to accessing campus.
  • If an individual shows signs of illness within the 72 hours prior to their scheduled appointment time, they must reschedule their visit to campus.
  • These restrictions apply to anyone requesting access, including students, faculty, staff and vendors.
  • ArtCenter will no longer provide face coverings or face masks, unless your department has been identified as an essential front-facing, service providing department.
  • Individuals can follow CDC guidelines to devise their own face coverings, including scarfs, t-shirts, bandanas, or other cloth items.

Stay informed
We acknowledge the onslaught of information and remind you to stay actively involved in your own education regarding the pandemic by consulting verified news sources and public health agencies. Please also continue to monitor your ArtCenter email for ongoing updates from the College.

For general questions about the College’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak, please contact the Office of Environmental Health and Safety at ehs@artcenter.edu.