Adjunct Professor
Grad Transp Sys Dsgn
Born and raised on the east coast of the USA, his summer visits to family in Italy inspired Richard's deep love of art and commitment to insightful design leadership.
Since 1994 when his student team won 1st place in Formula SAE Design competition, through 2018 when his Lincoln Moonshot Advanced UX Design project won the IDSA Gold award for “The Definitive Autonomous Car Experience,” Richard has built and proven deep expertise in leading automotive context research, advanced design vision setting, design strategy and implementation of physical and digital experiences. Richard has grown a wide network of allies by serving non-automotive industries. In public transportation, agriculture, printing and food delivery, Richard’s research and strategy team role helped transform these industries from physical “product” development cultures to human-centered digital “services”.
Richard is grateful for the opportunity to contribute to “people” development at ArtCenter.