Petrula Vrontikis

Graphic Dsgn


Petrula Vrontikis is a designer, author and educator, based in Los Angeles and has been recognized by the AIGA as an essential voice raising the understanding of design within the industry and among the business and cultural communities. She is creative director and owner of Vrontikis Design Office and has taught senior-level graphic design and professional practice courses at ArtCenter College of Design for over 30 years. She is an avid traveler and visual translator. It's not unusual to find her 85 feet underwater, climbing a steep and rocky slope, or twisting her body like a pretzel in a yoga class.


  • GRFX-456-01: Portfolio & Career Preparation
  • GBDS-561-01: Brand Seminar 2
  • GMGX-661L-01: Graduate Portfolio
  • GBDS-610L-01: Branding Lab 3