Luis Luna

Adjunct Professor
Humanities and Sciences / ArtCenter At Night / Creative Direction / Photography and Imaging


Mr. Luna is an Adjunct Professor focusing on professional practices, communication and leadership skills in several departments. He also conducts a course for Art Center''s Public Programs, "Crafting a Meaningful Career," designed for mid-career professionals eager to take their careers to the next level. He is the author of "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" from Allworth Press, and has recently completed his latest book for Skyhorse/Allworth, "Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Pictures" from Skyhorse/Allworth Press.


  • HPRO-200-01: Professional Presentation
  • HPRO-202-01: Presentation & Career Prep