Daniel Gottlieb

Associate Professor
Spatial Experience Design / ArtCenter At Night / ArtCenter for Teens / Humanities and Sciences / Graduate Environmtl Dsgn


Daniel Gottlieb is the co-owner of PadLab, a lighting/new materials/architectural glass/fine art studio. He is lecturer/guest critic at Materials & Applications Gallery, Pasadena Museum of California Art, Woodbury University, and SCI-Arc.


  • SXD-252-01: Spatial Design 4
  • SXD-522-01: Spatial Scengrphy Studio 2
  • HSCI-203-01: Illumination: Lighting(SxD)
  • HSCI-203-02: Illumination:Lighting(AllMaj)
  • SXD-610S-01: Thesis Studio 2A: SXD
  • SXD-611S-01: Thesis Studio 2B: SXD