Program Learning Outcomes

Essential Skills & Competencies

Graduates will be able to:

  • Demonstrate fluency in visual storytelling as it pertains to screenwriting
  • Exhibit a mastery of technical skills relevant to media production
  • Display an understanding of emerging filmed entertainment technologies

Critical Thinking & Creative Process

Graduates will be able to:

  • Initiate critical thinking and apply stylistic choices with vision and originality
  • Conduct advanced research examining cinematic arts from an analytical perspective

Cultural Literacy & Contextual Relevance

Graduates will be able to:

  • Create productions with an understanding of filmed entertainment as a global commodity
  • Appraise the context and reception of their creative production
  • Conceive a scholarly contribution that meaningfully adds to the artistic and intellectual discourse in the field

Areas of Specialization + Expertise

Graduates will be able to:

  • Create productions that meet the highest professional standards in one or more of the fundamental disciplines, including directing, cinematography, editing, screenwriting, production design, and producing
  • Explore craft in innovative and resourceful ways

Professional Practice

Graduates will be able to:

  • Recognize the evolving nature of the entertainment industry
  • Exercise effective communication, collaboration and leadership skills
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the business, economic, legal, moral, and social ramifications of their practice