Discover ArtCenter

an industry leader

Partner with ArtCenter’s community of next gen innovators and creators.

ArtCenter builds custom partnerships with leading companies across all industries.

Partnerships are holistic and span all areas of the College, including curriculum-based projects, branded spaces on campus, product integration and testing, original content underwriting, fellowships, executive inspiration and recruitment.

Hiring and Internships

ArtCenter students and graduates are renowned for their professionalism and commitment to excellence.

Educational Partnerships

Bridging academic and professional practices through hands-on collaboration.

Featured Partnership

The Girl Effect Studio

A transdisciplinary collaboration led by the Product Design Department with Yale School of Management based on field research from Fuseproject and Nike Foundation.

Power in Partnership: Industry Collaboration Prepares Students for Success

Corporate Partners

As one of the College’s most exciting programs, companies sponsor studios in which a select group of students across a variety of disciplines tackle a design challenge defined by the sponsor.

Contact ArtCenter

Main Switchboard
626 396-2200

Educational Partnerships
626 396-4274

Office of Development
626 396-4216

Career and Professional Development
626 396-2320